
Use Google Latitude to share your location on your Website, Blog & Chat!

n an earlier post on Devils Workshop, Deepak had written about Google Latitude and how it could be used to locate your friends.

When Google Latitude was launched a couple of months ago, people from all over starting flooding Google with suggestions so that they could further improvise the service.

Keeping that in mind, Google launched two more applications today, trying to incorporate the most common request from the users-

allowing you to share your location with even more people and not just your Latitude friends.
Google Public Location Badge

clip_image002By using this application, you could now share your Google Latitude location publicly on a blog or web site.

Please note: If you enable this feature, your location will be available to everyone. It will not give you the option of choosing where and with whom you wish to share your location with.

For a maximum control over your privacy
in this case, you may:

1. Share your best available location
2. Share only your city-level location
3. Or NOT enable the badge at all.

To know how to share your location, click here.
Google Talk location status (beta)

By using this application, you could share your Google Latitude location through your status message with your friends on Google Talk and Gmail (including anyone that can already chat with you.). It works by automatically updating your status message with your current city’s name.

If you wish to change back to your custom message, you could do that anytime.

If you wish to enable this application, visit

(Source: Google blog)