
Google Chrome now Faster, Safer and Less Prone to Bugs!

after all the security issues around Google Chrome after about 8 months of its launch and the critical vulnerabilities it had stirred up, Google Chrome finally claims to have come out stronger. Today, Google announced the new version of its Chrome browser that is said to be faster, safer and less prone to bugs.

Well, that’s yet to be seen…

The existing Chrome users need not worry about updating to the new version. The browser will automatically update within a span of next 3 weeks.

For those who are new and wish to download the new version right away, can get the updates directly from the Google chrome website.
New & Improved

1. Some 300 stability bugs have been fixed by Google’s Chrome engineers, so hopefully, the Chrome browser will crash less.
2. Some enhanced security features have been added to Chrome making it difficult for any malicious program entering on the users hard drive.
3. The interactive web pages will run even faster now, even when the users have lots of tabs open.


* Improved New Tab Page: The users can now remove the thumbnails from the New Tab page by hiding whatever they wish to from the Most Visited section.
* Full Screen Mode: Now the users can hide the title bar and the rest of the browser window by hitting F11 or selecting the option in the Tools menu and get a full screen view.
* Form Autofill: Form autofill will show information the users have previously entered into the same form fields automatically. If at any point the user wants to clear out the information, that’s easy to do from the Tools menu.

Hopefully, this would help solve all the security problems Google Chrome had been facing in the recent past. It’s time to wait, watch and keep our fingers crossed!

The rise of ‘pay-per-click’ advertising frauds

over the last year, a substantial number of clicks on ads (based in Santa Monica, California) have come from Bulgaria, Indonesia and the Czech Republic, countries where the company is not even doing any business. is a subsidiary of and during the time of economic slowdown, this is the last thing it needs – a very costly pay-per-click advertising fraud.

Looking at this problem of fraudulent clicks, Isabel Sopoglian, VP, Online Marketing for says:

“Click fraud is a serious problem, and we’re aggressively trying to fight it… In this tough time, it’s important for advertisers to not waste dollars.”

This is not just the sorry tale of, but also the story of a lot of other marketers online who are facing similar problems.

For those of you who are wondering what ‘pay-per-click’ advertising is all about, then let me explain:
Pay-per-click advertising

1. The person or company that advertises pay the search engine every time an internet surfer clicks on their links (ads)
2. Pay-per-click fraud refers to the clicks made deliberately simply to make money for the sites that carry the links or to damage a competitor.
3. This form of advertising accounted for 57 % of Internet advertising in 2008, up from 52 percent in 2007.

Latest reports from Click Forensics

It is being seen that many marketers are wasting a lot of money because of the troubled economy.

Click Forensics, based in Austin, Texas, the company that maintains the Click Fraud Index, a network
that monitors and reports on data gathered from more than 3,500 online advertisers
and their agencies, has released its most recent quarterly report on click fraud. They say that in the fourth quarter of 2008, 17 % of all online ad clicks were fraudulent.
Click frauds on Google & Yahoo

and Yahoo are the two biggest pay-per-click ad networks. The average click fraud rate of pay-per-click ads on search engine content networks, like Google AdSense and the Yahoo Publisher Network, was 28.3 % in the fourth quarter of last year, the most recent report says.

Google has not agreed to those figures, saying that Click Forensics’ methodology is faulty. Instead, Google says its click fraud rate is just 0.02% of the total clicks, while Yahoo claims its rate is a subset of the 12 % to 15 % of the clicks on its network that it does not bill customers for.

Regardless of what the actual click fraud rate is, the problem is large enough to have instigated class action lawsuits, which Yahoo and Google have settled.

Jeff Chester, executive director for the Center for Digital Democracy adds:

“Click fraud should be at the top of the priority list with Obama and the F.T.C. The F.T.C. has seriously lagged in coming to grips with the problems surrounding the online ad market, specifically click fraud. It’s extremely important to address the problem because it ultimately affects the consumers, meaning what they end up paying.”

Fighting the fraud

Click Forensics say that on an average, its technology cuts a client’s click fraud by more than 60 % in a month and saves its customers more than 10 % of their total online ad spending.

Click Forensics believes click fraud may be mirroring other kinds of online fraud, such as spam
and phishing. As companies step up efforts to fight fraud, so do fraudsters especially when there’s lots of money to be made.

Yahoo for $1.99 only!

Have you missed the previous cheap domain name registration offers? Never mind. The cheap domain name registration offer is back again! You get a domain name for only USD$1.99. It is the current lowest price in the market. This special offer expires on June 30, 2009.

You may get a new domain name at only $1.99USD. The offer is valid for new customers upon new registrations. The only catch is high renewal price next year, so watch for that and better transfer it to some to other registrar at least month before.

Go Register Domain names for cheap!

Mobile enable your WordPress blog with MobilePress

With MobilePress you can take your WordPress blog on to your readers’ mobile handsets, with the ability to use customized themes.

With this plug in you could do the following:

* Use specific themes for specific devices / mobile browsers, such as iPhone, Opera Mini, Windows CE Mobile and other generic handset browsers.
* Theme designers can create custom mobile themes for WordPress blogs using this plugin.

Up until the release of MobilePress, there was no plugin that offered the ability to render a WordPress Blog on a mobile device, while at the same time giving the user the ability to use a well-designed theme. This solution comes completely free of ads, and there are no backlinks to worry about either. What you see is what you get.
Installation steps

* Upload the MobilePress directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
* Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
* If you are using a caching plugin (ie, wp-supercache), clear your cache now.
* If you plan on using custom themes, or wish to specify a custom title/description for your mobile blog, you can set these in the MobilePress admin panel.

Top 10 Websites To Create A Blog For Free

has become a fashion these days. Everyone starting from Amitabh Bachchan to me are blogging. Some blog for fashion and some for passion, some for interest and some for the thirst of money
. Different people have different motives behind blogging. Today, I am sharing the top 10 websites with which you can create a blog for free.

Some websites gives user-friendly features, some others provide best SEO environment. So, you can select any service from the list below that suites you the most.

Let’s begin…

1. Blogger : Well, this website needs no introduction. Almost every new blogger starts from If you want to start a new blog, I recommend you to go for After gaining experience and skills you can then move to Wordpress.

2. Wordpress : This is my second choice as a blogging platform. does not provide users to upload new themes, plugins and this is main drawback of using Apart from this, if you are starting your blog for earning some bucks then I am extremely sorry, does not allow users to put any type of ads on their blog. If interested you can sign up your blog here.

3. Weebly : One of the simplest website for you to create a blog. Just register an account, select your theme and start blogging. I have written a review on Weebly, click here to check it out.

4. Thoughts : Here is a 100% free website that will help you in creating a blog. It claims to have some extra features that you won´t find on other blog sites. This site provides unlimited bandwidth, photo, video and podcast sharing, community forums and live news discussions. If interested, you can register your account here.

5. BlogPico : If you want to create an adsense ready blog, then BlogPico can be the second best option for you (first one is Blogger :D). It allows users to get ad share while blogging from Google adsense or Yahoo publisher Network. Sounds interesting! Click here to register your account for free.

6. ClearBlogs : A simple and free tool for you to create a blog for free. This website gives a huge list of exciting features like :

* Instant Publishing
* Fully Customizable Templates
* Sub-directory URLs
* Spam Protection
* RSS Feeds & Pinging
* Friends-Only Entries
* Public & Private Entries
* Multiple-Authors
* Permanent Links
* Member Support
* Upload Photos & Music
* IP Banning
* Much More..

Click here and sign up for your free blog today

7. Xanga : With Xanga, you can create a blog for free. It has a lot of features that you can use very easily to your blog like adding videos, audios, albums and a lot more. Just give it a try and I am sure you will like it. Sign up now

8. Blog.Com : One of the famous website and a great tool to create a blog in three easy steps.

1. Sign up
2. Create Blog
3. And finally Customize

Click here to create a new blog on Blog.Com

9. BlogSome : BlogSome is the fastest growing blog host in the world. It’s a free web hosting site for blogs. Below are some quick features about this website :

* Fast, easy and free
* Choice of themes
* Upload photos
* Personalize your design
* and more…

Get your free blog now!

Click2Map: An easy new way to build your own Google Map

Here’s a way to embed Google Maps in your blog / website or simply create your own map mash-ups. Use this application to create, manage and publish online professional maps without any knowledge of programming
. You just need to click on a map to drop your markers, and display them on the Internet in just a few mouse clicks

* Create and manage unlimited number of maps and markers
* Create groups of markers
* Use your own marker icons
* Import data from your existing database
* Export data
* Create marker templates
* Get statistics to analyze how your customers use your maps
* Create maps for different purposes like displaying
o Points of interest
o Wildlife
o Demographics
o Properties
o Shops/stores
o Market research
o Travel and tourism, etc

You could customize every element of the map including its:

* Header
* Footer
* Fonts
* Sidebar
* Colors
* Driving directions
* Address finder

You could also add a URL and email to the footer of the map, making your Google Map a more effective lead and traffic generation tool.
Things you might like to do with your maps:

* Would you like to show your visitors how to reach your company premises or any other location?
o Indicate a location and how to reach it
* Do you want to show the location of the members of a network, an organization or a group of friends?
o Locate the members of a network
* Do you want to highlight touristic or cultural points of interest?
o Highlight touristic areas
* Do you want to promote the services, local shops and infrastructure of a town or urban area?
o Display local shops and services
* Do you want to display a map of your business partners, resellers or distributors?
o Locate business partners
* Do you want to illustrate the content of an article with a map?
o Illustrate reviews, articles and reports

Click here to watch a video to understand better how you could customize your Google Maps with Click2Map.

Picture Collage Maker: The fast & easy way of creating a collage!

ow you would never have any hassles in making collages for your daily use! Picture Collage Maker will handle it for you! It is a very simple to use program which can turn your ordinary photos into stunning keepsakes. You can also share them with your family and friends! With some few clicks, you can create digital collages, scrapbooks, posters, invitations, calendars, and greeting cards. Amazing, isn’t it?

* Build collages quickly and effortlessly in 3 easy steps
* Over 2,300 collage resources (frames, masks, clip arts, backgrounds)
* Already includes 48+ templates to help you in building collages
* You can also share your collage through any medium - including desktop wallpaper, printed copies, email, etc.
* Extremely powerful, fast and easy

You can view the full feature list here. Mouth buttering features, aren’t they? Then what are you waiting for, go and download the free version! You can also upgrade to professional edition at a small cost or view the comparison between the free version and professional edition.
System Requirements

You need the following requirements to install this software:

* Microsoft Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
* DirectX 8.0 or higher
* Pentium 4 or higher
* 128MB RAM or more
* 20MB hard disk space for install

Yahoo Redefines Search - Focuses on intent, not results!

with the growing competition and rivals, Yahoo (under their new CEO Carol Bartz) wants to pull up its socks and improvise. In their continued attempt to rather redefine its Internet search
, Yahoo is focusing on intent, not results.

Yahoo’s Search Monkey Project has completed a year now, a technology to make search results more elaborate and more useful. Search Monkey allowed programmers to write applications
that can turn dry textual listings in search results into an elaborate display.

Yahoo’s new vision revolves around more structured data.

Prabhakar Raghavan, head of Yahoo Labs and Yahoo Search Strategy said:

“It’s time to kill the 10 blue links. We want to move away from document retrieval as center of search to divining the user’s intent.”

Yahoo’s projects are currently testing the ability to show up results that add in other types of data. For example:

* People who are expressing intent to visit a certain restaurant should be able to interpret from the Yahoo search’s most relevant content if that’s a good idea or not.
* A search for Beyonce brings up the popular singer’s home page, and also a list of albums and links to tracks hosted on Rhapsody, where searchers could play the track right from the search result.

Well, although none of these ideas seem to be quite novel, Yahoo still appears to be going uphill - slow but steady. Yahoo’s search rival Google seems to be moving in this direction as well. Only time will tell how effective Yahoo’s new strategies are and whether or not it can fetch Yahoo the No. 1 position by beating Google

is GPS away from breakdown ?

is the time when the navigation software
is being used in mobiles, cars and a variety of other gadgets. But the question that is now arising is - Is the GPS close to its end or is it going to breakdown? Some experts have said that the system maybe close to breakdown or even fail as early as 2010!

A report from GAO tells us that the US government officials are concerned that the quality of the Global Positioning System (GPS) may start to deteriorate as early as 2010, which could result in regular blackouts and failures or even telling wrong directions to people.

The US Air Force has been maintaining the GPS networks and satellites from the 1990s. According to a study by GAO, mismanagement and a lack of investment could result in the failure of some of the important GPS satellites. The report says that the Air Force has failed to successfully build the GPS satellites within the cost and schedule goals due to technical problems.

Where to Go?The first replacement GPS satellite was due to launch in early 2007, but has been delayed until November this year – which is almost three years late! More delays might result in service outages which means millions people getting wrong directions or failed services. The military would also be affected as it uses GPS for mapping, reconnaissance and for tracking hostile targets.

If the service would fail, it would open gates for the European-funded attempt to rival America’s satellite navigation system, which would be rolled out later next year. More countries like India, Russia, and China have developed their own satellite navigation technologies that are currently being expanded.

3-months FREE Panda Internet Security 2009 for Windows!

panda Security has recently collaborated with Microsoft’s IT security campaign “Protect Your PC”. In this campaign Panda Security is giving out an exclusive gift for all the Windows users which is a 3-months FREE Panda Internet Security 2009 with no obligations.

Key Features of Panda Internet Security 2009Panda Internet Security 2009

1. Anti-Malware Engine
2. Advanced Proactive Protection
3. Personal Firewall
4. Anti-Phishing Filter
5. Anti-Banking Trojan Engine [New]
6. Anti-Rootkit Technology [New]
7. Anti-Spam Filter [New]
8. Parental Control
9. Web Filter [New]
10. Personal Information Filter [New]
11. Backup & Restore

That’s not it… the best part about Panda Internet Security is that it can be installed on 3 computers under one license copies.

So, quickly grab this offer before it expires Download Panda Internet Security 2009 for FREE! Shorten URLs and earn some extra money too!

coming your way is a new URL shortener called There are many other URL shorteners available online, so you could be wondering what’s so new about this one? comes with a twist – every time someone visits one of your shortened links, you will be paid money!
How does it work?

Quite simple!

1. Just shorten your links with
2. Post the shortened links on your blog or website or send them to people as you usually would.
3. Rest is handled by by showing an ad before the shortened link actually loads.
4. Each ad that is shown earns you money!

Let’s talk MONEY!

Earning potential is limitless. How much you can earn all depends on how many people click on your links. You can earn anywhere between $1 to $10 for every thousand visitors. You will need a PayPal account
, and your earnings will become drawable once you have accrued at least 20 USD.


¤ Earn Money online by emails ¤

Hi friends.Today i brought to you an interesting site which pays you money by opening emails.Its rupee mail .
Rupee mail is a website which gives money for opening emails.It also provide you a lot of offers and discounts.
You can also invite your friends.For each refferal registration you will get rs.2 bonus will be added to your account.
So friends hurry up!
Click below link


Customize Nokia S40 Themes

now you can easily modify Nokia S40 themes which have .nth as their extension by using a simple trick. To do this, you will need an unzipper, which can unzip zip files, like WinRAR. The trick is very simple, firstly check if your phone comes under Nokia S40 platform or not. Check in the list of mobiles that come under Nokia

Now, get the .nth (theme file), you want to edit:

* Rename .nth file to .zip extension
* Extract the contents of the file
* You will get number of files, some of them are images, some of them may be ringtones and one “theme_descriptor.xml” file, which contains the information, that how theme will work in phone.

Now, you can easily merge any number of themes by selecting good features of them. You can replace wallpaper of some theme to other, or you could also customize ring tones, swf files etc.

All you need to take care is of that you have to replace the original file, with same dimension image (for good clarity) and replaced image should also have the same name as of the previous one.

If you are a computer geek
, you can also try out editing “theme_descriptor.xml” file, for advanced features. You can also use Carbide.UI to create and edit S40 and S60

How to Make More Readers and Money This Holiday Season

my recent posts, I wrote how Orkut (Google’s social network) and Kontera (in-text advertising network
) are planning to cash out coming holiday season! If planned well you can also squeeze some juice for your blogs/websites. :-)

From my more than 2 years experience of blogging, I know few things about these holiday seasons which can be used to make some extra bucks. So here I am posting part of my TO-DO lists, of-course in more organized manner.
Two major changes during holiday season…

* Traffic: A tech-blog like this gets higher traffic. We are expecting 2-3 time more unique visitor in last week of December. Unless you are blogging about investments or stock markets, you can expect more or little rise in your blogs traffic.
* Advertising: As more people come online for shopping, advertisers compete more to grab ad-slots. Obvious result is direct increase in revenue. Keep watching your AdSense eCPM over next 2 weeks and you will see the difference!

How to handle rise in traffic!

Its time to put your best foot forward! Find what posts are getting maximum traffic from search engine
. When you discover them…

* Update them to make them more relevant, more readable.
* Try to stuff links to other posts which you think your visitors will find useful.
* Also check if you have any unanswered comments. Its better if you answer them.

Above TO-DO list is for individual blog posts. There are things you can do blog-wide…

* Add prominent email as well as feed subscription options.
* Make your most popular, favorite posts, etc easily accessible.
* Use caching plugins/techniques to sustain rise in traffic. Wordpress users can go for wp-super-cache plugin!

If you want to analyze your traffic, nothing beats Google Analytics. Even if you don’t use it, its better to start using it right now. You will gather enough data before Christmas and that will help you optimize your website for last week of December, when traffic will be at peak!
How to make those extra bucks…

As its holiday season, you will need some extra bucks to party hard! Thankfully advertisers spend extra on advertising during season as people do a lot of online shopping.

If you are running a travel or products blog you should go for as many affiliate program as possible. Not a single product should be referred for free! ;-)

Try following tricks for AdSense

* Keep only one single ad-unit on a page, above the fold.
* Do not surround AdSense block with anything. Not even feed subscription box, etc.
* No matter how ugly it will make your theme, go for one of rectangle ad-format like 336×280, 300×250.
* Also follow usual AdSense tips like blending ads with your site, using section-targeting, etc.

There are reason for each of above tactic but I will explain them in detail some other day. For time being note that, above all highlight AdSense block in ways that will attract more clicks! Why???

* You get more new visitors in holiday season. They are also in hurry!
* When you visit a site quite often, you develop ad-blindness for it. So you almost never follow ads. But a new visitor, that’s too in hurry, if find himself on wrong site, will give AdSense links a try in attempt to find next direction.
* You can notice whitespace beside AdSense block on top of post pages which I can reduce by using ad-format 468×80. But that will make AdSense less prominent and will expose main content too early to a visitor. Thou shall never expose more than needed! ;-)

Of course, all of above are based on my personal observations. I am following these things myself. For example, there was a box listing related, most-popular posts & recent posts on top of every post. That was pushing my dear AdSense block little-down. Now I moved that box below the post to give AdSense more room!

Different things works for different blogs. The best way to get best for you is to keep trying! So go on trying and let us know your findings! :-)

Recommended: Get $25 Cash Bonus by Joining Kontera before Jan 15

Performancing Ad Network - New way to make money!

performancing Ad Network, is a new ad network
recently launched. Unlike many ad-networks which took forever to perform, this network is really performing well for this blog. It seems that it will replace Kontera, my second largest source of revenue soon.

Performancing Ad Network seems promising as they are specifically targeting 125 X 125 pixel image ads, popular with blogs sidebar section. Also those who have doubt, this can be used along with Google Adsense without any policy issues.

Here’s how it works…

* First sign up as a publisher for Performancing Ad Network.
* You submit your site, region on your site, number of 125×125 image ad spots, price for each spot among other details.
* After that they give you codes to put on your site. If you are a wordpress blogger, then just install their plugin for easy integration.
* Once your site is ready, they put it in marketplace for advertisers.
* Advertisers choose to buy one or more ad-spot on you site, in terms of weeks. You can cancel an ad if you find it inappropriate for your site.
* Payments are sent each in first weeks of each months via paypal. You get minimum of 60% revenue share.
* They also have a nice affiliate program. If you join early, it may work well for you as most of your site visitors are yet to join Performancing Ad Network.

For advertisers…

Performancing Ad Network is looking for new advertisers and are offering $25 off on your first ad purchase of $100 or more.

3 Ways To Make Money Online Without Any Blog/Website

this topic might seem a bit awkward, since its the big bloggers that are successful in making money from their blogs. Many people have been asking me recently about alternative to AdSense. So, I thought that maybe I should share a few interesting and working money making techniques. In fact these help me a lot to earn and guess what, they are easier than you can imagine. And you might be even surprised to know that thousands of people are earning quite a lot this way.

To start with I am going to tell you about 3 advertising companies which is really making a change in the Lives of advertisers and the people receiving them.

So, here it goes…Who Needs AdSense? ;-)

1) RUPEEMAIL: This is a really nice one. This company is paying you for receiving Join RupeeMailadvertisements
based upon your personal preferences. They give upto Rs. 2 for every ads you get. Just think How much you can earn by receiving 100 ads in a month. They are also paying you Rs. 2 for each friend you refer. This is where I actually make all the money. The payment is sent through checks.


* You will also get Rs. 2 for each friend you refer
* You get special discount coupons on various items

My Earnings - Rs 207 approx Weekly.

Link : Click to Sign Up with Rupeemail

2) MGINGER (the best one): This service is similar to Rupeemail. The difference is that the advertisements are send to your mobile through 140 char SMS. Not only that, you also get various offers like free talktime, ringtones, etc. Also you get discount coupons for stores near you. You will also be paid when you refer it to your friends.


* You will also be paid when your friends join through you.
* You will also get paid when your friend’s friend join. (I really like this one)
* You can send free SMS to any mobile all across the country

My Earnings - Rs 360 approx Weekly.

Link : Click to Sign Up with Mginger.

3) YOUMINT : This is a combo. You will be getting advertisement according to your choice through e-mail as well a SMS. I like their ads because they are really useful and unique. They also run free talktime and other offers like Miginger. Plus there are bumper offers in festive seasons like Diwali etc.


* You will also be paid when your friends join through you.
* You will also get paid when your friend’s friend join. (I really like this one)
* You can create your own wallpapers and upload them and get paid when people download them.
* There have nice collection of wallpapers, ringtones etc to download for free.
* You can send free SMS to any mobile all across the country.

My Earnings - Rs 300 approx Weekly.

Link : Click to Sign Up with YouMint.

My Total Income
: Rs (207+360+300) 867 approx per Week.

Proof of Income: Now, most people don’t believe what others say. So have a look at my last week’s checks and this week’s account screenshots
. After all, seeing is believing!

Use Google Latitude to share your location on your Website, Blog & Chat!

n an earlier post on Devils Workshop, Deepak had written about Google Latitude and how it could be used to locate your friends.

When Google Latitude was launched a couple of months ago, people from all over starting flooding Google with suggestions so that they could further improvise the service.

Keeping that in mind, Google launched two more applications today, trying to incorporate the most common request from the users-

allowing you to share your location with even more people and not just your Latitude friends.
Google Public Location Badge

clip_image002By using this application, you could now share your Google Latitude location publicly on a blog or web site.

Please note: If you enable this feature, your location will be available to everyone. It will not give you the option of choosing where and with whom you wish to share your location with.

For a maximum control over your privacy
in this case, you may:

1. Share your best available location
2. Share only your city-level location
3. Or NOT enable the badge at all.

To know how to share your location, click here.
Google Talk location status (beta)

By using this application, you could share your Google Latitude location through your status message with your friends on Google Talk and Gmail (including anyone that can already chat with you.). It works by automatically updating your status message with your current city’s name.

If you wish to change back to your custom message, you could do that anytime.

If you wish to enable this application, visit

(Source: Google blog)

How to avoid Google from banning your website?

he saddest day for a webmaster is the day you wake up and find that your website isn’t showing anymore in Google
… that you have been a victim of a Google Ban.

This is the worst thing that can happen to your website, especially if you are running a business or a blog through your site.
How can I find out if my site is banned by Google?

To know this, use this code:


(replace with the domain name of the site you think may be banned)

And, if you see no results on your site then maybe, it is banned by Google, or the robots.txt file is bad, or you haven’t submitted your site to Google.

See that your Robots.txt file doesn’t contain the code below:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Don’t use “Disallow: /” just replace “/” with the directory (Eg: “Disallow: /Personal” ) you want Google to not index.
If you follow this, your site will be again listed in Google, if not, it may be banned.
Here is a list of ways by which you can keep your website in Google’s good books:

* Up-time: Make sure you have the best up-time possible for your website. This means you must have reliable web hosting. If Google visits your website and it is not up, you may risk Google banning your site.
* Spam: It is the thing which no search engine loves. So don’t use spamming techniques to promote your website. This will almost definitely lead to condemnation of your website for at least 6 months. Never use “black hat” methods like doorways, hidden text or cloaking. You are only setting yourself up for disaster.
* Plagiarism: Make sure your content is original and relevant. Websites that duplicate content are punished with lower rankings and even bans. Your content should always be made for human consumption and relate to your website’s theme.
* Linking: Linking is a two way street. Not only should the links going out of your website be quality, but be certain that the links that lead to your website are from Google respected locations as well. Avoid link farms and any paid linking service. Also, excessive linking is a red flag for Google. When you add internal links on your own sites, make sure you do it in moderation and with purposeful intent.
* Cleanliness: Be sure your site is Google friendly. Build your website so that Google is able to index every page. Include a sitemap. Be sure all your pages are working and that there are no broken links

Don’t try to fool Google with tricky tactics. The price you will pay is far worse than the effort it takes to do things the right way!

Mobilize your mobile website in 2 minutes!

With the growth of GPRS based mobiles, everyone wants to visit internet pages on their mobile devices while on the go. If you have ever used GPRS (Abbreviation for General Packet Radio Service), you must be knowing, it is too clumsy and cumbersome task to open a non WAP based site on your mobile device, as the browsing speed of a traditional GPRS connection remains too slow. As such, if you own a blog or a website, you need to create a mobile friendly version of your blog to let your visitors access it from their mobile devices with ease. But you may not want to waste your time dabbling around things to create a mobile version blog. If it is so, you have reached the right place.

In this post I am going to explain, how you can create a mobile friendly version of your blog in just a couple of minutes even if you don’t have enough technical knowledge. :-) Mofuse is a service which lets you mobilize a mobile version of your blog that to without any cost. All you need to do is just open an account at and request them to create a mobile version of your blog or website, after that you will be required to fill a small form with your blog URL and feed URL and your are done! A mobile version of your blog would be ready to use by then. The output will be as shown in the screenshot here. Initially, for mobile use, you will be provided with a sub-domain in but later on you can configure it according to your choice by changing CNAME record of your own domain (If you own one). I used for my blog.

Hang on!! This is not all. There are even better things to discuss which I missed out to say. If you are a WordPress user
, Mofuse comes with a free plugin using which you can automatically redirect all your mobile readers to the mobile friendly version of your blog. Except this there are many other customization options, like reader count chicklet, QR coding, Monetizing viewers, etc. Now you just need to explore this service to know more about it.

Looking for a job? JobStreet can help, even from your mobile!

How does it work?

1. Just choose your location
2. Use the search options to find out what’s in store for you
3. You could search based on the Industry, your specialization and preferred location

Apply for a job using your mobile via SMS!

India only! Further to their objective of offering a world-class online job search experience, JobStreet also offer Smart capabilities that promise a quicker, faster and instant experience for jobseekers
when they want to apply, search and register for jobs.
With this feature, you don’t even need a computer to apply for a job! Here’s how…

* A jobseeker (already registered with can simply
o Type APPLY on their mobile phone
o Mention the email ID of a recruiter or an email listed in a newspaper job ad or a career site of a company
o SMS it to 52622
* The SMS service will recognize the mobile number as a registered user of JobStreet
* They will email the resume from JobStreet’s database to the company you applied to
* This enables a candidate registered on to apply to any job featured anywhere, anytime!

For instance: If a company XYZ has published a job advertisement
and has listed an email id for job responses, then a candidate needs to just key in APPLY on their mobile phones and SMS it to 52622.

Play games on Playtopia and win cash prizes!

Now play a variety of fun games online
on and win cash prizes. By playing these games you can earn “tokens” in different ways. These token help you win draws and jackpots. However, in order to be able to play the various games and to win prizes, you have to be a registered user.

You could also create a free user and play more than 35 games, such as Solitaire, Yatzy, Whist, Backgammon, Mahjong and many others.

Indian Students to get Laptops just for $10!

indian government is planning to roll out laptops for students just for 500 rupees ($10). According to reports, the laptop’s prototype will be launched by the Indian Human resource minister, Arjun Singh at Tirupati on 3rd of February.

According to the reports published on periodicals and news papers, the technology for these low priced laptops has been developed by the Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore) and the Indian Institute of Technology (Chennai), but will be manufactured by some other private companies
and will be rolled out in the Indian market within next six months. It has also been reported that the laptop will be supporting 2 GB of RAM.

So, this initiative would be really a boon for the Indian children having talent and potentiality to work with computer but could not do so because of financial constraints. Lets be optimist and hope to see these low priced laptops (worth $10) soon in the market. :)

List of Blogs by Indian Bollywood Celebrities, Politicians, etc

fever is catching up with Indian Bollywood
celebrities, politicians. etc. Here I am posting a list of all such famous celebrities blogs.

Salman Khan & Shekhar Kapur are only serious bloggers with almost a post everyday. Many celebrities are using surprisingly strange platforms managed by some companies who don’t know about feeds and other important blogging basics. Anyway here we go…
Indian Bollywood Celebrities

* Salman Khan image
* Amir Khan
* Amitabh Bachchan image
* Karan Johar image
* Shahrukh Khan
* Shekhar Kapur image
* Ram Gopal Varma image
* Vikram Bhatt
* Bipasha basu
* Gul Panag image
* image
* Payal Rohatgi image
* Nana Patekar (Last updated in 2005)

Indian Politicians

* Lalu Prasad Yadav
* Omar Abdullah image

Of course above list is not complete but you can help by contributing to it. Specially I wanted to put some cricketers blog too, but failed to find one.

Please leave your own blog
link while leaving links to celebrities blog. And please note that this is blog-list, so fancy, flash-based sites like of Shilpa Shetty will not be considered

Watch Bollywood Movies Online for Free!

Many internet users have a misconception that movies cannot be watched online and every time they need to waste bucks on original CDs and DVDs for viewing movies. But, let me clear, there are many ways by which you can view movies for free. Though sometimes its illegal, but you can view full length movies sitting behind your monitor screen even without wasting up a single
penny. :)

For viewing movies on your home PC you may download via torrents as you can watch them as many times you want, saving a huge amount of internet bandwidth. But if you use internet from shared PCs or from Internet cafes then the second option, to view online, would be good for you. For online viewing, Life Rocks have listed 7 good websites that you can use to watch latest bollywood films. Right now I am trying to compile a list of few similar websites for other language films. If you know one, please do let us know.

Hope you have a happy movie viewing with the list of websites by Life Rocks. :-)

Google integrates Tasks into Google Calendar

All those who have been waiting for Google to incorporate Tasks into the Google calendar, there’s good news. Google announced today, that they have integrated Tasks into Google Calendar. This task list integration was a heavily requested feature by its users, and Google made sure not annoy any of them.
How does this feature work?

1. Log into a Google Calendar account.
2. Click on “Tasks” list under the left-hand top links.
3. This will open up the tasks sidebar (familiar to users of the Gmail Labs Tasks feature) with some Calendar-specific additions.

If you wish to create a task with a due date in the Calendar:

* Click on an empty space in month view or the all-day section of week view
* Select the “Task” option
* It will automatically appear on your calendar.

If you wish to attach a due date to an existing task:

* Click the right-arrow from within the task list
* Click on the calendar icon

If you wish to modify a task’s due date:

* Just drag the date to a different date, just as you would with a regular calendar event.

If you wish to mark a task completed from within Calendar:

* Just click on the task’s checkbox.

If you wish to keep track of due dates before they arrive:

* Use the new “Sort by due date” feature which is available in the “Actions menu” at the bottom of your task list.

Although this cannot be a replacement for high-powered to-do apps like Remember the Milk, but for those who are just fine with simple text files, this basic calendar-integrated task seems alright.