
Performancing Ad Network - New way to make money!

performancing Ad Network, is a new ad network
recently launched. Unlike many ad-networks which took forever to perform, this network is really performing well for this blog. It seems that it will replace Kontera, my second largest source of revenue soon.

Performancing Ad Network seems promising as they are specifically targeting 125 X 125 pixel image ads, popular with blogs sidebar section. Also those who have doubt, this can be used along with Google Adsense without any policy issues.

Here’s how it works…

* First sign up as a publisher for Performancing Ad Network.
* You submit your site, region on your site, number of 125×125 image ad spots, price for each spot among other details.
* After that they give you codes to put on your site. If you are a wordpress blogger, then just install their plugin for easy integration.
* Once your site is ready, they put it in marketplace for advertisers.
* Advertisers choose to buy one or more ad-spot on you site, in terms of weeks. You can cancel an ad if you find it inappropriate for your site.
* Payments are sent each in first weeks of each months via paypal. You get minimum of 60% revenue share.
* They also have a nice affiliate program. If you join early, it may work well for you as most of your site visitors are yet to join Performancing Ad Network.

For advertisers…

Performancing Ad Network is looking for new advertisers and are offering $25 off on your first ad purchase of $100 or more.